Sunday, April 27, 2008

Whats the truth?

I often catch this thought crawling in my mind. Its a question about the truth of life. I mean, what is life exactly??
  • A dynamic sequence of events? which shapes along based on our decisions in various situations?. If so, what if we had decided otherwise than a decided decision? would that have made our life different than what it is now due to our decision? If so again, then is there a set of two probabilities for every situation where we need to take a decision? wherein, if we make decision one, our life results according to probablity one. And we make decision two, life results as per probability two. But that implies that life is static and works as per previously set probabilites and options. So the conclusion of the thought of life being dynamic cancels its own root thought and proves that life is static!!! We just feel that its dynamic because of our ability to decide.
  • Now if life is static, does it mean that the whole life is just a playback of already set and pre decided events, like a movie? We being the characters in it are unaware of its pre planned plot and get the feel that we are the ones to decide and make our lives. But then is it so that we even decide according to a previously decided decision for us? But then if everything is pre decided, then why do we face making decisions in our life? If life is to flow just by itself,why do we need to work and decide for things to make them happen? if its programmed in my life to pass an exam, why do i need to write the paper? i should just pass it. but if i dont write the paper, i fail!! so doesnt this mean that i/we programm our lives?

This could go on and on....... . Well, its just the basic philiosophy of life i guess, the answer to which lies in spirituality. Probably the dilemma and confusion and question in the above phrase is what's called MAYA. And GOD the creator of it. The break through from this maya and knowing the truth is what true saints work for i guess. But then would it already be decided for saints to be saints by life or God? If we decide to know God, can we know Him? or should God decide for us to decide to know Him and then we can know Him?

What do you think??


Unknown said...


Jay Bhatt said...

Dear Jay,

I would designate life as the moment of truth. You feel & understand it as it comes. Well this is quite weired but yet there is a logic..

When a perception meets reality, it means that we are having a moment of truth. It may be right or may be wrong, but the mere decision is not in our hand and that's where we cannot decide whether what we are doing is pre decided or just the action for the situation.

Mind being the fastest wanderer supports the logic of pre decided steps whereas subsequently it merely questions what we are about to act upon..

I would just say MAYA as you see it is a deja vu which does exist but its just how we look at the reality. Some might fake it out just by not believing in what they have not experienced. Some might consider it as a reality which stands true as a faith. The point is are we ready to take it as it comes or we want to adjust it how we want.

Think about it

DEVIL5005 said...

i always knew jay sodagar as a thinker.... but here we have solid proof....!!!! hats off dude....!!! keep up the great work.....!!!!!

Rajinder said...

I always see my friend Jay as a set of positive energy and to mu faith he is!!

It's always good to read your write up's..

coz this is wat is the TRUTH..