I saw our DEAR GOD today!!
Was toooo overwhelmed even to say
HE knew the situation I was in
HE smiled bewitchingly and gave a grin
HE gently put his hand on my head
I felt the warmth of a brilliant sun ray
I felt I was melting within
All anguish, worries, pain and twinge
As the dirt flowed out from my tearful eyes.
I felt FULLY empty as the sky.
Then his vibrant voice came to me
As he humbly asked, “My child, remember me?”
At that moment my heart broke out
I cried like a child
With gushing tears and sob spout
After a while I found my voice to say
God forgive me for causing you the dismay.
You are right we have forgotten you
We are your child but we still doubt about you!!
We check our emails in a regular way
But never sit down to pray.
We move heaven and earth to get a new mobile
But keep from doing a kind deed to make you smile.
We spend hours talking to our friends
But never call upon you until we need you
When we reach a dead end.
We hurt you, neglect you, forget you everytime
Yet you lovingly forgive all our crime
GOD, pls forgive us, pls open our eyes
So we may turn to you
And rediscover our tie.