Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I saw our DEAR GOD today!!
Was toooo overwhelmed even to say
HE knew the situation I was in
HE smiled bewitchingly and gave a grin
HE gently put his hand on my head
I felt the warmth of a brilliant sun ray
I felt I was melting within
All anguish, worries, pain and twinge
As the dirt flowed out from my tearful eyes.
I felt FULLY empty as the sky.
Then his vibrant voice came to me
As he humbly asked, “My child, remember me?”
At that moment my heart broke out
I cried like a child
With gushing tears and sob spout
After a while I found my voice to say
God forgive me for causing you the dismay.
You are right we have forgotten you
We are your child but we still doubt about you!!
We check our emails in a regular way
But never sit down to pray.
We move heaven and earth to get a new mobile
But keep from doing a kind deed to make you smile.
We spend hours talking to our friends
But never call upon you until we need you
When we reach a dead end.
We hurt you, neglect you, forget you everytime
Yet you lovingly forgive all our crime
GOD, pls forgive us, pls open our eyes
So we may turn to you
And rediscover our tie.
Monday, June 28, 2010
life's mantra
Im tired of watching life go by
So routine so mundane
A Kite widout wind jerking to fly
Time to do something
Not just sit and sigh
Need to take charge
No more fears, worries and why’s
reach out for what u want
just give it a try
you CAN do it, don’t deny
break free the pattern
d ground is for d crowd
it’s the sky for thee and i
be adventurous, not blind
and before u jump
learn to fly
listen to that inner voice
faint and shy
it truly has the power to take u to new highs
give it an ear and go for the ply
stop whispering like a meek employee
U got places to visit,
People to love
Mountains n caves to pry,
Life’s too precious
Y give it to a company
Learn, earn, work for self
You may say this all sounds too good
But can it be really done??
Tel me how, tel me y..
Den here’s d mantra, read it well
‘Wish, believe and work till end
Don’t deny, don’t deny, don’t deny’
This mantra is the secret thru which
A man who cnt jump 8 feet
Has invented to fly!!!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Who is who
When i tell people about it, they say Im mad, crazy.
Well lets see it this way.
People spend a fortune to get their degrees and certificates. Only to decorate them in file to produce it to some MNC and request them to give them a job, a chance to serve them.
Next, people start going to their respective offices daily to work real hard for 8 to 10 hrs. They face their superiors who treat them like their private property. People get shouted at, scolded, abused, belittled and falsified by their bosses every now and then. But they take it all as if they got no self respect. On the contrary, they would still work harder and harder day and night and still let themselves be treated in the same way anytime.
They got no personal life. Their family life can be counted in hrs per week. And their overall life is a sum up of weekends and leaves they manage to beg from their bosses.
why? just coz they get a regular salary; which their boss thinks is fit for them. The salary helps them to cop up with their bills. To feed their family.
People spend their entire life this way. And after that they realize they are too restless to rest, too inefficient to compete anymore and too short on money to fulfill their dreams which they kept postponing their whole life.
So this is basically what wise people do. why? coz thats the format baby, thats the way of the crowd, of billions of people throughtout the world.
And what did I do that makes me a mad man?
Very basically, I chose to stand out of the crowd. I chose to break free from the establised format of living. I chose my self respect.
I chose to buy myself an opportunity once in a lifetime, at a price which people pay more than once in their lives to get other things,which allows me to toil for myself and not for others and get all the returns I deserve. And the best thing is, with each effort I make I would advance to my complete freedom. Complete freedom as in, I would have all the money I need to do what I love, to go wherever i want, to get whatever i want, to be with my family and give them whatever they wish etc. etc. In short, compete freedom. And that too in a couple of years. And then i got the rest of my life to dedicate to sheer enjoyment only.
If wise people do what they do for money, so will I. Only i wud have much more of it than them.
And its far more better and satisfying and worth to work any hard to achieve such freedom for yourself than the kinda work all the wise men do.
So who do u think is the wise and the mad ? :)
P.S anyone of you who got the same madness inside somewhere are welcome to join the walk.